How to Join

New Applicants

Joining SAOGA is a straightforward process:

  • Click the link Join Us and follow the prompts
  • Assuming the basic criteria for membership / affiliation are met we will then issue you with an invoice for the annual fee.
  • Pay the invoice.
  • On receipt of payment we will notify you that your membership / affiliation has commenced.

Renewal of Membership / Affiliation

Membership / affiliation will be renewed on 1 April every year. For companies / individuals joining during the membership / affiliation period a pro rata annual fee will be charged. The following process applies:

  • Receive an email containing a renewal notice with a link to your existing profile for updating.
  • Complete the profile data (it should be populated with your data and only require updating).
  • We will send you an invoice for the appropriate annual fee.
  • Pay the invoice.
  • On receipt of payment we will notify you that your membership / affiliation has been renewed.

Lapse of Membership / Affiliation

Dues must be paid to SAOGA within 30 days of invoice.

If membership / affiliation is not renewed within 30 days the Member will seize to receive associated benefits, while membership / affiliation itself will continue to exist.  However membership / affiliation will be deemed to have lapsed if not renewed through the payment of dues within 90 days of renewal date. The member or affiliate shall have to apply afresh for membership / affiliation after this period. 

Cost of Membership / Affiliation

Membership contributions are an important part of the revenue used to fund SAOGA's work and the determination of fees shall be based on size and scale of the organization, generally (though not exclusively) guided by the number of company employees. For the purposes of calculating the fees (and the employees who will receive membership benefits) SAOGA shall consider only the entity that is applying for membership, and not its holding company or company subsidiaries. Cost is outlined in the tables for the relevant types of membership / affiliation above.