
Oil & Gas Global Sector Report - The impact of COVID-19 on the Oil & Gas Prices and Capital Spending

03 April 2020

The impact of COVID-19 on the Oil & Gas Prices and Capital Spending

Key takeaways

  Rovuma LNG project on hold due to coronavirus and gas slump

§  Oil majors continue to achieve softer earnings due to crude and natural gas price environment

§  OFS and Oil & Gas EPC companies’ 2019 earnings hit by impairments

§  Coronavirus outbreak continues to weaken crude oil and natural gas prices

§  Oil companies revise their capital budgets and dividend payments downwards on the back of crude oil price crash

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TPT Tariff Book (Effective 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021)

01 April 2020

Dear Members and Stakeholders,

Attached please find the electronic version (Soft Copy) of the TPT tariff book for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.

The tariff book will  no longer be printed in book form, as the demand for books has dwindled significantly over the past two years, and maybe because of this we can collectively claim ownership of the saving of paper.  

The tariff book will also be published on the TPT website for downloading.

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Anadarko SA - Notification of the commencement of a 3D Seismic Survey in Licence Block 5/6/7 off the South-West Coast of SA

27 November 2019

This letter and enclosed information provides notification of the commencement of a seismic survey off the
South-West Coast of South Africa.
Notice is hereby given in terms of the approved Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) that Anadarko
South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Anadarko) is proposing to commence with a three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey within
Petroleum Licence Block 5/6/7 off the South-West Coast of South Africa on 01 January 2020. Petroleum Geo-

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Total E&P South Africa BV: Notification of Offshore Seismic Surveys on the South Coast of South Africa

12 November 2019

Good Day

Please find attached information and notification of the commencement of an offshore Seismic Campaign over Block 11B/12B, off the South Coast of South Africa.

The surveys are estimated to start in the beginning of December 2019 and may last until May 2020 at the latest. The details of the vessels and the acquisition location maps are provided in the attached document.

Should you have any further queries on this subject or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the below contact details.


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EPC Company Visits to Milan, Italy - 30 November to 4 December 2019

04 November 2019

The Area 1 Project (previously the ‘Anadarko’ Project) that has achieved FID is now a reality and work on the initial projects to prepare the site in the Afungi Peninsula for the development of the LNG trains and associated projects has begun.

Many of the initial work packages have been issued, but with the need for local content and South Africa’s access through funding from South African DFI’s, there is an excellent opportunity for South African based suppliers to tap into this US$25bn project.

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Visit to Mozambique - Pemba, Palma, Maputo - 10 to 15 November 2019

04 November 2019

We have tried to make this visit extremely flexible and it should be viewed as one aspect of a broader Mozambique engagement during this week.

The visit will start in Pemba on Sunday 10th November 2019 and companies have the option of departing on the morning of Wednesday 13th November for Johannesburg or for Maputo where they can participate in the 6th Mozambique Gas Summit & Exhibition taking place at the Joaquim Chissano Conference Centre in Maputo on 13 and 14 November 2019.

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SA gas future — a pipe dream or burning bright?

04 November 2019

The government has grand plans to build a gas economy in SA, but as existing reserves dwindle with no new production in sight — could this proposal for a bright future be just a pipe dream?

Minister of mineral resources and energy Gwede Mantashe certainly did not seem to think so as he outlined steps to establish SA’s gas sector, at the African Oil & Power conference last week.