Sub-Saharan Africa - The next 20 years

Sub-Saharan Africa Oil & Gas - 2000 to 2024

Since 2000, exploration activity has confirmed the regions oil and gas potential, with many countries confirming oil and/or gas reserves.

Sub-Saharan Africa - 2000 to 2024 (Copyright) SAOGA
Sub-Saharan Africa 2020-2024

An Overview of Sub-Saharan Gas Markets

Over the next 20 years Sub-Saharan Africa will see significant changes in the upstream and midstream sectors of the oil and gas value chain. Included in this section is an examination of current Gas activity and an assessment of proposed future Gas activity over the next 20 years.

                                                  2024 (Copyright) Standard Bank                                                  

LNG in Africa Operation and Construction / Advanced Development

                                                  2024 (Copyright) Standard Bank

A Regional Gas Landscape

Current Central & East Africa Scenario Schematic Gas Opportunity and Challenges

                                                  2024 (Copyright) Standard Bank


Current Southern & Central Africa Scenario Schematic Gas Opportunity and Challenges

                                                    2024 (Copyright) Standard Bank


Current Southern African Scenario

                                                   2024 (Copyright) Standard Bank


Sub-Saharan Africa's refineries are old and ageing and Sub-Saharan Africa is under-invested in refining capacity relative to other regions of the world.

Sub-Saharan Africa Refinery Statistics (Copyright) SAOGA

Offshore Oil & Gas Activity

Current offshore activity is heavily focused on West Africa closer to central Africa. In the next few years this is expected to change significantly with increased activity off the coast of East Africa and Southern Africa.

Sub-Saharan Africa Offshore Activty 2014 (Copyright) SAOGA


Africa has no significant domestic infrastructure for oil & gas as it did not have appropriate levels of domestic demand to justify investment in logistics infrastructure to move product in and around Africa. However, this is expected to change as Africa's economies develop following years of economic growth that has led to a middle-class population and some affluent urban inhabitants.

Sub-Saharan Africa Pipelines (Copyright) SAOGA

Sub-Saharan Africa: Current vs Future Oil & Gas Activity

This section contains a graphical depiction of current and future oil & gas activity in Africa based on an assessment of global developments and regional developments in Africa that will affect demand for oil and gas from Sub-Saharan Africa. It must be noted that images represent concentration rather than actual numbers.

Sub-Saharan Africa: Current vs Future Oil & Gas Activity (Copyright) SAOGA

Sub-Saharan Africa: Overlay of current vs Future Oil & Gas Activity (Copyright) SAOGA