Membership Types

Member companies are the primary and preferential beneficiaries of all our activities and of the funds we disburse to industry in our various programmes. Member involvement and feedback is key and membership in the Alliance provides an opportunity to participate and become part of a collective voice for the industry and so help us all in working with government and the private sector to improve the overall competitiveness of our sector.

Companies (in their various forms) and individuals can become members of SAOGA - company employees will receive the benefits of membership where these are relevant to individuals. SAOGA has historically had a two-tier membership structure with an associate membership level open to all interested companies and a full membership level open to a subset of "qualified" companies who met defined quality/competence criteria.

SAOGA now has the following levels of membership for interested parties:

  • Corporate / Voting Members
  • Associate / Non-Voting Members
  • Individual Members / Non-Voting Members
  • Network Affiliated Members (Non SA Registered Companies) Non-Voting Members
  • Network Individual Affiliated Members / Non-Voting Members

Associate Members / Non – Voting Members

All first time memberships with SAOGA are automatically Associate Memberships.

Any institution, legal entity (whether private or public), individual, partnership or firm which provides goods and services to the upstream and midstream oil & gas industry, the ship and boatbuilding / repair and other related industries can join SAOGA as an Associate Member.

Criteria & Benefits, Cost

Corporate Members / Voting Members

Any for profit organisation (private or public) that is operating within the oil and gas industry is eligible to apply for Corporate Membership of the organisation, provided that applicants comply with the conditions and criteria for membership. SAOGA will consider all requests and may grant Corporate Membership based on meeting the primary objective of deriving most of its income from Oil & Gas and being a reputable company.

Corporate Members will become voting members of the SAOGA legal entity with all the powers that this status constitutionally entails. 

All Corporate Memberships will be reviewed annually. 

Criteria, Benefits & Cost

Network Affiliate Members (Non SA Registered Companies)

SAOGA’s networks, linkages and information hub are of great interest to companies that do not yet have a corporate presence in South Africa, but are considering investment in South Africa in the upstream and associate midstream oil & gas sector. These companies have an opportunity to join the South African Oil & Gas Alliance as Network Affiliates Members. 

The SAOGA Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse membership and / or affiliation based on the broader objectives of the South African Oil & Gas Alliance.

Criteria, Benefits & Cost

The SAOGA Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse membership and / or affiliation based on the broader objectives of the South African Oil & Gas Alliance.

Network Individual Affiliate Members (Non SA - International Industry Specialists)

SAOGA’s networks, linkages and information hub are of great interest to Independent consultant, industry specialist/ freelancer not permanently employed in South Africa, but are involved in the upstream and associate midstream oil & gas sector Internationally. These Individual Affiliates have an opportunity to join the South African Oil & Gas Alliance as Network Affiliates Members. 

The SAOGA Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse membership and / or affiliation based on the broader objectives of the South African Oil & Gas Alliance.

Criteria, Benefits & Cost